Support the White Helmets
Your donation helps us save lives and restore hope to communities impacted by war in Syria. Every contribution allows us to immediately respond to emergencies such as military attacks and natural disasters, provide essential services such as primary health care, and respond to the needs of displaced communities. Give what you can today.
Donations are tax-deductible in the United States only.
Saving Lives and Supporting Communities
We are a Syrian-led humanitarian group of over 3,000 men and women working to save lives and support communities in areas affected by the war in Syria. When bombs rain down, our volunteers rush to the scene of the attack to rescue trapped civilians and minimize further injury to people and damage to civilian infrastructure. In a place where public services no longer function, we provide essential services to a community of 4.5 million people. Our humanitarian programs focus on emergency services and community resilience.
About The White Helmets
Our Impact
Lives saved
Primary health consultations provided
Reproductive health consultations provided
Emergency medical services provided per month
Fires extinguished
Traffic accidents responded to
Unexploded ordnance (UXO) cleared
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