White Helmets statement of solidarity with Ukrainians
We are saddened to see Ukraine being victims of a litany of violations that have pushed the boundaries of what is acceptable in international law. We reaffirm our solidarity with the people of Ukraine and stand by their side in the face of Russian aggression.
As Syrians who have been subjected to over a decade of Russian aggression, we The White Helmets reaffirm our solidarity with the people of Ukraine and stand by their side in the face of terrorism. We deplore in the strongest terms all of the acts of Russian aggression on Ukraine people.
It pains us immensely to know that the weapons tested on Syrians will now be used against Ukrainian civilians.
We are saddened to see Ukraine being victims of a litany of violations that have pushed the boundaries of what is acceptable in international law.
Unfortunately, those subjected to Russian aggression have not found much support from the international community in holding Russia to account. Instead of standing up for international norms, such as those against the use of chemical weapons, the international community has tried to find ways to cooperate with Russia and to this day considers Russia a willing and essential partner in diplomacy.
It is the best time for meaningful action to hold Putin and his oligarchs accountable for the continued assault on international law and the rights of civilians everywhere.
This is the moment to deter Russia from future aggression.
Diplomacy with Russia has failed because Putin does not share the international communities’ interests and values. It is time to come together to utilize all tools of coercion to stop Putin’s aggression in Ukraine and to deter any future aggression and protect the norms and laws that previous generations fought so hard to build