SCD Management dismisses volunteer found to have violated Code of Conduct in Daraa Governorate.
In the rare event that individual volunteers have failed to behave accordingly, SCD management has taken immediate corrective action to address the violation in question.
On 20 June 2017, a volunteer of SCD in Daraa Governorate was witnessed participating in an activity that violated the organisational principles and vision of SCD.
Having conducted its investigation of the incident, SCD management has concluded that the volunteer concerned was acting independently, and not in his capacity as a member
of SCD.
Nonetheless, the volunteer’s behaviour constitutes a gross breach of SCD’s Code of Conduct and as a result the volunteer has been dismissed. SCD management has a zero tolerance policy regarding breaches of its Code of Conduct and Statement of Principles by SCD volunteers.
SCD volunteers commit formally to carrying out their duties to the best of their ability, and to uphold the highest standards in accordance with their principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality.
In the rare event that individual volunteers have failed to behave
accordingly, SCD management has taken immediate corrective action to address the violation in question.
SCD will continue to reinforce the importance and codification of the organisation’s core values to ensure that individuals uphold the standards expected of them by their communities, their colleagues and the SCD organisation as a whole.